Google Search Console

Google Search Console for Website Development in 2020

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Everybody wants to see their website to rank on the first page of Google which actually demands you to work smartly on your website development. But do you know what all aspects you need to work upon to get good traffic?

If you are thinking to spend a lot of money to improve your website’s SEO then wait a minute here is an amazing free tool which will help you to get good traffic and substantially increase your visibility on the internet. The tool is Google Search Console earlier it was called Google Webmaster Tool, it has been given a new identity due to improved features.

Many users have not recognised the overall potential of Google Search Console, this article will explain you everything in detail so as to help you with your website development and seo services.


Google Search Console

What Is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free SEO service to help you understand how Google views your website and provides the data and report so that you can maintain and monitor your website ranking.

Here are some other reason to use GSC

  • After signing in to the GSC means you are allowing Google to access your web content.
  • It helps you deliver the content that is visually engaging.
  • It fixes malware or spam issues and helps you with clean website development.
  • With Google Search Console you can track those queries which made google crawler to bring your website in search results.
  • You can also compare the queries with each other in terms of the results you got from them.
  • To see the Backlinks in your website.

How to use Google Search Console for Optimised SEO services?


1.Track underperforming keywords to improve rankings

Tracking of underperforming keywords is necessary when you are looking to get a ranking on google. Basically, these are called underperforming because they do not let you rank higher.

As per the study, the website on #2 spot had 15% more traffic than the one at #7 spot. Now you can imagine how important it becomes to choose the right keyword to rank high.

You can get the underperforming keyword report from the google search console, go to the “search results” then click “average CTR” and “average position”. Thereafter from the queries report you can get the ranking number for a particular keyword thus helping you in website development. To summaries, this console will provide you with the clicks, impressions, CTR and position for a keyword.


2.Ranking of your page for a particular keyword

On the google search console, you will see the last metric as an average position tab, which tells the position of yours for a specific keyword. You will be getting different settings in the console to look at the report as per your convenience.

In the queries tab, you can get the results for a specific keyword with their positions in front of them. Although the general report only displays the average ranking of your entire website development for every keyword.

The best part is you can actually have a look at how these minor adjustments and optimisations impact the website ranking.


3.Interactive console for website owners

It has various matrix and graphs which helps in understanding the overall analytic so as to deliver better SEO services. These are:

Total clicks: Total number of time the visitors click on your website under a particular time frame.

Total impressions: The number of time your website appears on the search results for a particular query.

Average CTR: This means how many times users clicked on your website when it appeared on the search results.

(Average CTR= Total click / Total impressions)

On the console, you can choose to look for the performance of a full website or a single page. Although it may appear difficult initially, after using GSC you will get used to it.


4.Google indexing for better Website development


On your google search console, you can visit coverage to look out for any issue in crawling or google indexing. To include your website in google SERP all the pages should be indexed by Google and if it’s reporting only a few of them then there is some problem.

To analyse indexing of your website pages go to “coverage” on main console page and thereafter click “valid” to know how many pages are actually indexed.


5.Request a page for google indexing

If you found Google has not indexed the pages in your website then you can submit a request from the console itself, doing this will help you get amazing SEO services.

For that, you need to click on URL inspection and then enter the URL of your website for indexing in the search bar.

Thereafter google will compete for a test to look for any error, if found ok then click “Request indexing”. Now leave it on google bot to crawl your website and register it index.


6.Submit a Sitemap URL

Sitemaps are helpful tools for users and google bot to understand the architecture and basic structure of your website. Basically, search engines like google can index the pages on your website by crawling over them.

To help you with SEO equipped website development you can submit the sitemap through google search console, click “Sitemaps” and then enter the “Sitemap URL” and thereafter click “Submit”.


Google search console is actually an amazing free tool for those who do not want to spend too much money to get the SEO services, rather you can get it free from google.

We are not saying that google search console can replace other SEO consultants but you can the most of it from this free tool by google.

To hit the right keyword is the ultimate goal for every website owner and better website development, which will make you rank high and substantially invite huge traffic to your website, therefore, to get the #1 spot on SERP to google search console will play a leading role.