Components of a landing page and know its importance

Components of a Landing Page and Know its Importance

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Creating a successful landing page is one of the main functions of a website designer. We, as website designing service providers create an impossible-to-miss landing page resulting in a high rate of conversions. In order to understand the importance of a landing page, it is essential to know about it. This is your ultimate guide to know about landing pages and their importance from the best website designing service providers.

What is a Landing Page?

What is a landing page

A landing page is basically a lead capture form that allows you to have your prospects details. A good web page will target a particular audience who might land on the page via various email marketing campaigns or PPC Ads.

It is very important for a landing page to have a goal. You can create a landing page that will allow your visitors to download your content offer such as discount coupons, free trials, etc.

Creating web pages allows you to target your audience and offer them something of value. You can also convert a higher percentage of your visitors into leads while getting information about who they are and what they’ve converted on.

Components of a Fruitful Landing Page

Components of a fruitful landing page

In order to create a successful landing page, it is very important to keep some factor in mind. As a website designing services provider, we have concocted this list for you.


It is the first thing that the visitor will see as soon as they are redirected to the landing page. Heading should be catchy and precise. Heading should be as clear as possible so that the visitor is able to see that what they benefit from it.

Main Page

The text on the landing page should have a clear explanation of the offer in a simple yet compelling way. It is advised to use bullet points and not to use lengthy sentences. The visitor might lose interest and exit the page without even getting to the bottom of it. If the form will be simple then the visitor won’t get distracted and will focus on our main goal.

Use of Keywords

It is very important to inculcate keywords in the page title and the text body so that it appeals to the visitor. If the user is able to see what they are looking for then they will be motivated to fill up the landing page.

Social Sharing Buttons

Imagine how great it will be if one user can motivate few other users to check out our web page and fill it. This is where social sharing buttons come into action. It easily lets the visitors share the landing page with their friends on different platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn which extends the reach beyond our own pool of audiences.


It is a fact that images are virtually more appealing so if our landing page has relevant images, it will be able to retain the reader’s attention. Images have the power to give their readers a tangible idea as to what they are being offered.

Hidden Navigation

A landing page on which any top/side navigation bars are hidden will minimize distractions, and reduce friction. It decreases a landing page’s bounce rate and increases the chances that visitors will stay on the page and convert.

Clear Call to action

A visitor should know what your site wants them to do in a jiffy. If your landing page is designed effectively then the visitors will totally navigate down the correct conversion route.

Thank You Page

It is very important for the thank you page to pop up once the visitor clicks the final button so that they are assured that the form has been submitted. It is a polite gesture as well to thank them for their time and attention.

Importance of a Landing Page

Importance of a landing page

Now that we know what to keep in mind before designing a landing page, we should also know its importance. As a website designing service provider, we will help you to understand the importance of a landing page.

Lead Generation

As we all will agree, the main purpose of a website is to generate traffic and to convert it. Landing pages comes in handy in order to generate prospects and gather their information. Studies show that marketers capture leads at a much higher rate by navigating them to specific web pages rather than sending traffic to the home page. The landing page is the simplest and most effective way to generate more leads for the sales team.

Improves Paid Search Campaigns

A successful Search Engine Marketing or paid search campaign depends on click through rates and click through rates are influenced by landing pages. For example, you may use SEM campaign to bid on keywords to have your business show up when someone searches for ‘white sneakers’. The link from that ad could be your website homepage or a subpage on your site but that will only get people to your website. By using a web page, you can generate more leads.

If your advertisement directs visitors to your website homepage with general information not towards a specific advertising purpose, your visitors may get lost in the information. This will not help you to convert them or for them to perform the desired action.

Track Data

Data from landing pages can be tracked which helps you to understand how engaged your prospects are.

You can also track and analyse page data to better understand how well your marketing offers are performing.

Induces the Visitor to Make a Decision

It is very common for people to be indecisive and that is no friend to the business. An effective landing page has the ability to speed up your visitor’s decision-making skills. It results in immediate action which is beneficial for the business.

As a website designing services provider, we are hands on when it comes to creating excellent landing pages inducing the client to take an action which will result in a low bounce rate as well. Get in touch with us to know more.